River Kids

A safe place for you kids to learn about God in a fun, engaging and relevant way.

the river community church

For Parents & Kids

River Kids meets at the same time as our Worship Gathering for adults. So while you are enjoying the worship and teaching in the Worship Center, your kids are experiencing God in their language!

the river community church

Jesus on their Level

Using age-specific curriculum, River Kids teachers deliver fun & memorable teachings from the Bible that make it easy for your child to learn.

First time here? Got Questions?

Your child will be lovingly greeted and cared for while at The River Kids. Our staff and volunteers all realize that we represent Jesus to the children in our program, and we want every child to feel heard, appreciated and encouraged in all that God created them to be.

Nursery (3mos - 2yrs)

We share with young children how they are created and loved by God and how much Jesus loves them at this early age. The safety of every child is paramount for us. Our goal is for every parent to have the freedom to visit our church with total confidence in their child's well-being.

Preschool (3 - 5yrs)

Experienced teachers from within the church rotate through these rooms to present the lesson for the week. Our children experience the love of the Father and meet Jesus through play, Bible stories, worship, and arts and crafts and an emphasis on following Jesus personally.

Elementary (K-5th)

This is a weekly worship experience of large-group games, worship and Bible teaching for Kindergarten to 5th grade. We also have group time that helps develop relationships with leaders and other kids, scripture memory, applying the Bible lesson to their lives, and praying for others.