Life Groups

Make disciples of Jesus who become disciple-makers.

What is a disciple?

Someone who obeys Jesus.

What is a disciple maker?

A disciple of Jesus who is investing his/her life, faith, and learnings into another person or group of people who God has called him/her to disciple.

Life Groups are part of the way we make disciples.

We are trying to make it easier to 'find your people.' While we mostly focus our learning around the same things, our groups are as diverse as our church is.

You will find groups with people in the same stage of life to groups that have people from decades apart in age. It's all about finding the ones you are doing life with and becoming more like Jesus, together.

The goal is the same though; to make disciples who become disciple makers.

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We believe disciples of Jesus are best made in a three-step process that can be defined by the acronym B.I.O.

Before God Daily

We encourage disciples at The River to have a time of personal worship before God each day, and we teach people how to have this time of personal worship using the H.E.A.R. method of Bible Study which calls for keeping a journal and Highlighting, Explaining, Applying, and Responding to the passage.

In community weekly

We encourage disciples at The River to be in community each week through their participation in corporate worship and in a Life Group. A Life Group consists of five to fifteen people who meet for the purpose of learning and applying God's Word as well as mutual encouragement and accountability. 

On Mission 24/7

We encourage disciples at The River to live a mission-driven life in which they follow Jesus' Great Commission to make disciples and to serve rather than to be served. We provide numerous local missions through which disciples and members of Life Groups can serve to make disciples.